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The Worthy Lamb of God

(Revelation 5:1-12)

Lesson 10 -- second quarter 2004
May 9, 2004

by Mark Roth
© Copyright 2004, Christian Light Publications

He alone is worthy.

The Lamb is worthy!

He was slain for our redemption. He was slain for our cleansing. He was slain for our peace. He was slain for our healing. He was slain. For me. For you. For us.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belongs power. The Lamb has power to control, to govern, to conquer. He also has power to heal, to bless, to free, to strengthen. His power is unequaled, unrivaled, unlimited. May His power be over us, in us, and through us.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belong riches. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. And the fish in a thousand lakes. And the minerals in a thousand mines. And all the wealth of a thousand galaxies. He also owns the riches of mercy, grace, and longsuffering. He will supply all my need, all your need, and all our need.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belongs wisdom. Wisdom that confuses the "wise" and enlightens the simple. Wisdom for planning the universe, for executing the process of redemption, and for arranging the workings of life. Wisdom so complete that it cannot be instructed. Wisdom so simple and direct that even a child can know it. Wisdom so exquisite that it confounds the wise of this world. Wisdom so high and so hidden that the powers of darkness can neither know it nor thwart it. Wisdom for our lives.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belongs strength. Strength to calm the storm, to cast out demons, and to make water rise to the tip of a giant sequoia. Strength to make the sun stop, and even go backward. Strength to raise the dead -- physically or spiritually or both. Strength to protect, to provide, and to guide. Strength for our encouragement, for our correction, and for anything and everything else we need. And I know He watches over me.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him also belong honor, glory, and blessing. But I'll not write three more puny little paragraphs skirting the edges of His worthiness.

"...Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing" (Revelation 5:12). The Lamb was slain, so the Lamb is worthy.

Let the kingdoms of this world have their national holidays and solemn remembrances. We have the Lord's Supper! Let them have their kings and heroes, we have the Lamb! After their kings and heroes lose their luster, and after their holidays and remembrances cease to move them, we'll still be singing the praises of the Lamb Who is worthy!

The next time you observe of the Lord's Supper, include this awareness. And I'm sure you will thus partake in a worthy manner.

As you remember what the Lord did for you, remember the glory that was set before Him. Then remember that the servant is not greater than his Lord. Then set your face toward Him and redirect your steps after His.

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