Blessing The "Less Fortunate"

by Ruby Roth
© Copyright 1996

"Andy, George, Linda," Mother called from the open kitchen window. "Lunch time." Three children obediently jammed their shovels into the sand and headed for the house.

Mother met them at the door. "Don't forget to leave your shoes by the door and be sure to wash good, too," she said, surveying their sandy hands.

Soon Andy, George and Linda were busily munching sandwiches and crunchy carrots.

"Yum! Good lunch!" exclaimed George, reaching for more carrots.

"Children," said Mother quietly. "I want to tell you something after lunch." Three children looked up quickly. Why did Mother look so sad?

After lunch they all settled in the living room.

"I got a call from Uncle Dan this morning," Mother began. "Aunt Emily had a baby girl last night. They named her Beth."

"Oh goody!" exclaimed Linda. "But why are you sad, Mother?"

"Well, children, the doctors think she is blind. They are testing her, but so far it doesn't look very good."

"Oh no!" gasped Andy. "You mean she can't see at all?"

George sat staring at Mother's sad face. "But we can pray," he blurted out finally. "Maybe God will help her see."

"You are right, George," said Mother. Her heart filled with love and gratitude for her three healthy children. "Let's pray right now. But we can't just pray for Baby Beth to be healed. We also need to pray for God's will to be done."

Three heads bowed quickly and Mother prayed. "Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for eyes with which to see. Please bless Baby Beth and show the doctors if they can help her or not. Help Uncle Dan and Aunt Emily to accept Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen."

As the children ran out to play, George was thinking. "I wonder what it's like to be blind." Suddenly he had an idea. Quickly he ran to the laundry room for a rag. "Andy, Linda," he called as he went back out. "I want to see what it's like to be blind." Andy and Linda looked interested but doubtful. "See, I'll tie the rag around my head and try to find my way around." Soon George was groping his way across the yard. "Ouch!" he yelled as he stubbed his toe on a tree root.

"Look out!" cried Linda as George nearly stumbled into a rosebush. George stopped just in time.

"Go left!" shouted Andy. This game did look interesting although he wasn't ready to try it himself. Then mischief struck Andy. He sneaked quietly over to George and bumped him. George threw out his arms to balance himself and chanced to hit a branch on the rosebush. "Oowwee!' he howled. "Who bumped me?"

"Ha, ha! It was I," laughed Andy.

"You're mean!" shouted George, yanking off the rag. "I'll tell Mom!"

But Mother had been watching the new game, too. "Children," she called. "Come right away."

Andy quickly dived in the open door with George close behind. Linda followed more slowly.

"I want to tell you a true story," Mother began when the children were settled. "When I was a little girl, a couple lived near us who had a blind daughter. She was their only child and although she was older than I, I helped her whenever I could. We had Vacation Bible School each summer and I would lead Donna around so she could enjoy it, too. But other children went to our Bible School, too, and they hadn't been taught to be kind. They would push Donna and call her names. One boy even threw rocks at her. When I tried to help her get away, I got hit, too. But my parents encouraged me to forgive and to keep being a helper to Donna. I did it because I loved her and wanted her to be happy. You see," Mother went on, "Jesus makes special children sometimes to help us learn kindness and thoughtfulness. He loves them just like He loves you and me. I want you to remember that, and never be unkind to a handicapped person. They need our help."

Andy's face was very ashamed when Mother finished. "I'm sorry, George," he said. "I guess it was Satan telling me to push you so you would get hurt."

"I forgive you," said George. Mother smiled happily at her boys.

"Come on boys!" cried Linda. "Let's go play 'Blind' again, but this time we'll practice helping each other so when Baby Beth grows up we'll know how to help her, too."


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