The Arrest and Trial

(Mark 14:43-59)

Lesson 7 -- second quarter 2011
April 17, 2011

by Mark Roth
© Copyright 2011

Personalize the Scripture

Do I think my loyalty to Jesus is a given -- no circumstance exists in which I would become the next Judas?

What small betrayals do I overlook or excuse or mislabel?

Do I expect others to defend me and stand up for me -- and resent them when they don't?

When do I pursue my own the expense of justice?

How must I handle "those" who have witnessed falsely against me?

What must I do when I know someone is giving an inaccurate report about another?

From My Archives

Jesus: Falsely Accused and Condemned

Jesus: Falsely Accused

Such Good Intentions

This concludes my comments based on the alternate lesson developed by Christian Light Publications. To read my comments on the passage for the International Bible Study, click here: Lavishing Praise.

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