Christian Exceptionalism

What makes us unique and above the cut in the world

Human exceptionalism has to do with our uniqueness in the universe. I think of that in terms of…

  • having been created by God in His own image and likeness for close fellowship with Him.
  • having been endowed by our Creator with an eternal living soul which has moral free will.
  • God having given man dominion over the earth.
  • Jesus having come for, lived as, died for, and risen for us — and now interceding for us.

Israelite exceptionalism comes from facts such as these:

  • They were chosen by God as His own people in a unique covenant relationship.
  • They received the Law — an inspired revelation of God and His will for His chosen people.
  • They are the people group through whom the Redeemer came.

American exceptionalism refers to…Read it all

Anabaptist Exceptionalism

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The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly tested God’s people. Government leaders have implemented restrictions that affect us financially, relationally, educationally, and perhaps most significantly, spiritually. Most churches have experienced some level of restriction to their gatherings. This has ranged from full shutdowns, to holding outdoor meetings, to meetings with only a percentage of members in attendance. In addition, we have been encouraged (sometimes required) to practice social distancing, masking, and regular sanitizing.

While the COVID restrictions are not the primary focus of this article, they do illustrate what appears to many Anabaptist leaders to reveal an underlying problem, a problem that shows itself elsewhere but has been especially apparent in our response to this pandemic. The problem has sometimes been labeled Read it all

Love Ourselves First? Rubbish!

Every emotionally stable individual has a proper interest in personal well-being. However, it is only the spiritually mature ones who put their commitment to themselves in its proper place. And that place is last. That goes against the philosophy that we need to love ourselves first before we will be able to love others and God. That life view is utter rubbish. We don’t love God because we love ourselves. No! “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19). And two verses later we learn that our love for God generates our love for others: “He who loveth God love his brother also.” So you see, self-love isn’t first in our relationships and in our commitments.
The Commitment of Ruth

Restricted Way to Heaven: Jesus Only

We believe only those who have Jesus as Lord and Savior are saved and will go to heaven. We say there is no other way. We teach that no other religion or belief system will lead anyone to eternal life. We say Jesus is the only way. We neither flex nor give ground on our doctrine of salvation. But must we be so restrictive?
Christ, the Only Way

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How to Discern the Holy Spirit in Someone

I have a hard time distinguishing lemon trees from orange trees. But I have a sure-fire way of eventually identifying such trees. No, I don’t wait around for someone to put special signs on these trees. I simply wait till the trees bear fruit. Then I know a lemon tree from an orange tree!

I have no other way of knowing if I or anyone else has received the Holy Spirit. But I need no other way. This method of discernment works amply well.
The Day of Pentecost

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Above all, love God!