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Faith in Jesus Rewarded

(Mark 5:22-36, 41, 42)

Lesson 9 -- second quarter 2003
April 27, 2003

by Mark Roth
© Copyright 2003, Christian Light Publications

Accept His timing

Jim had taught school for many years. As much as he loved his job and his students, he was past ready for a change in occupation. Three years in a row he had advised the school board that he had no plans to teach the following school year. But the school board could find no replacement. Late each summer he would resign himself again to the reality that the time had not yet come for him to retire from school teaching. As difficult as it got to be sometimes, he accepted (though at times chafed at) God's timing.

Jairus had expected his little girl to get over her sickness. Then he had hoped against hope that she would improve. Finally he had hurried off to plead with Jesus for His help. He knew if Jesus intervened, his daughter would recover speedily if not immediately. Even though Jesus agreed to go do exactly that, people kept getting in the way and impeding their progress. Then Jesus stopped to help someone who wasn't even at the point of death. What was He doing! Didn't He know time was of the essence? It must have been extremely difficult for Jairus to stand and wait on Jesus and His timing.

What is your need? On what or for what have you been waiting? Perhaps you feel like Jim or Jairus. God wants you also to accept His timing. Accept it with submission. Accept it in faith and hope. Accept that the Timeless One knows more about time and timing than you do. If someone's timing is wrong, believe that it will never be His.

Accept His perspective

Jim often felt like he just couldn't teach another school year. His physical, emotional, and even spiritual energy levels were low. His vision seemed dimmer and shorter. His load seemed greater than he should have to continue bearing. He was burnt out and about done for. Yet it seemed the Master Teacher assured him that matters were not as dire as he perceived them. The Lord seemed to tell him that instead of inevitable collapse and defeat he would receive certain vigor and victory. So despite all the evidence to contrary, he chose to believe that Jesus could see and know better than he could. He accepted the Lord's perspective of himself and his situation.

Jairus was stunned. He had received the news he so dreaded -- his daughter had run out of time; she had died. But Jesus promptly spoke to him, "Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole" (Luke 8:50). What an impossible perspective! The time for courage and faith were surely past for death had come. Had Jesus misunderstood the message somehow? It was no longer time to make his daughter well for she was no longer ill. She was dead! But Jairus accepted Jesus' perspective, at least enough to allow Him to continue on to his house. And when they got there, Jesus made another strange statement: "Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth" (Mark 5:39). Was this Man out of touch with reality after all? The people certainly thought so. They went from mournful wailing to scornful laughing. But Jairus accepted the Lord's perspective. He believed Jesus could see more and better than anyone else.

Back to you. Do you find yourself in shoes similar to those of Jim or Jairus? When God says something "out of touch" or otherwise "unreal," trust His vision over that of anyone else. Accept His perspective no matter what, knowing it is always right and the only true reality.

Accept His rest

Jim and Jairus both found rest in Jesus right in the middle of their tough times. So can you. That's how it works for those who accept His timing and perspective.

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