Covid-19 and Vaccines in Light of Hearing and Being Taught by Christ

Jonathan Kropf follows up on his earlier article: "We Are Facing More Than a Virus"

Am I watching and praying? Am I being sober? How would you respond to these questions if they were directed to you? I have been challenged to take the scriptures that give these commands to heart.

Recently we studied Ephesians 4:17-32 in a Bible study. I find that before hearing and being taught by Christ, there are at least seven conditions that we find ourselves in.

  1. Thoughts are vain
  2. Understanding is darkened
  3. One is separated from God
  4. General problem with ignorance
  5. Blind (hard) heart
  6. Conscience is not sensitive
  7. Given to seek after what is prohibited

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Dear Christian: Do Not Forget the Watchers!

A wake-up call thanks to a nonchristian's questions about God, His people, and Covid vaccines
What I’m curious about is
how is it known that
God doesn’t want people
to have the vaccine?

The question dropped unexpectedly into one of my digital communication platforms. The nonchristian’s private inquiry to me last week came after reading what other Christians were asserting on the public Web.

How would you answer the question? I’ll give you my answer shortly, but first something else that’s related.

What do Christians project in the public square?

  • Whether in the grocery store or on social media, what do nonchristians hear from Christians?
  • What do non-citizens of the kingdom of Heaven observe in the actions, attitudes, and general demeanor of Heaven’s citizens?

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Amend Your Ways, Hypocrite!

Open hypocrite or open sinner -- repent! (Jeremiah 7:1-16)

A hypocrite lives blissfully as long as he subdues conscience and successfully ignores God’s Spirit. By all appearances, this person has achieved the “glorious” goal of living after the flesh and after the spirit. He can indulge in many secret sins while at the same time speaking and acting in ways that give the impression of godliness.
Jeremiah Exposes Judah’s Hypocrisy

Is the Devil’s Deception Getting Better?

Maybe it's just that God has given him a freer hand.

I don’t know if the devil’s deception is getting “better,” or if he’s just receiving a freer hand as the end of the age draws nigh, or if God’s people are just getting more gullible and careless. Maybe it’s all three or maybe it’s something else. Whatever the case, I see more and more deception, and more and more deceived.
On the Narrow Way

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We Are Facing More Than a Virus

Deceptions, end times, covid-19, vaccines, truth, hope, warnings. And God!

“I don’t know who I can believe anymore.” Have you thought, heard or maybe declared this statement in the past year? Is it wrong to entertain this thought? More than any other time in my life I have come to see how far reaching deception is. It is everywhere. On a positive note, realizing that deception is so prevalent can instill in us a love for the truth and a need to seek God as the source of truth.

Answer the words of truth (Proverbs 22:21)

Questioning a source of information because it is human in origin is a good practice in the age in which we live. Without stating it, one has established that something received may be false or deceptive. Did Eve ponder on whether she could believe the serpent? It doesn’t appear that she calculated whether the recommendation the serpent was making could bring negative consequences. I would like to clarify that questioning information, is very different from disrespecting an office of authority such as a leader of the home, church or state.

As we speak, I am asking myself the question, “Should I accept a coronavirus vaccine if it is offered to me? What if it is made obligatory by the government?” We have been praying about this. It has been a prayer request on Wednesday evenings. Maybe it seems odd that I would open this discussion about deception with, the garden of Eden and a coronavirus vaccine. Many of you know I work in healthcare. I do not present this as an expert voice. Let me explain that I know very little about vaccines and have not done extensive research on this subject. In short, my understanding of the science behind the 2020 events and the various vaccines is minimal. To be honest with you, I don’t really know who I can trust to tell me the truth in medical journals or on media sites. I hope that by the time this paper is completed, we can have a new love for the truth and its Author. The Lord is my Shepherd and He is Holy, He has never failed, never been taken by surprise, never wondered what decision is the correct one, He is good and He will not withhold any good thing from the heart that lives in communion with Him.

This perspective comes, not from an expert, but from one of the flock. Since the Lord is my Shepherd all I can say is that you are hearing from a sheep.

One of the great needs of the hour is to find our present day experience in the Truth of God’s Word. Read it all

Above all, love God!